Function Types

Functions are events which would not normally occur at your Property, specifically created for the participants of your Group Block to partake in. Function Types are the kinds of Functions or Events that may take place a your Property, and may be associated with a particular default Function Room Setup Style. Functions Types may cover something as simple as a group breakfast; a formal meal such as a dinner banquet, a conference meeting or a Wedding reception. These Function or Event types are used to block your function space and are added to Banquet Event Orders to outline what functions will take place in any particular room. You should enter all of the Function Types that could occur at your Property such as "Breakfast", "Lunch", "Conference", "Meeting", etc. using the Function Types screen. Function Types may also have default start and end times entered if wished, as well as the default setup styles. (For example, you may have the function type "breakfast" start at 7 am and end at 10 am, by default, so that any time this function type is added to your Group Block reservation, the function - and therefore the function space - is reserved automatically from 7 am to 10 am. This may however still be altered on an individual basis as desired).

The Function Types command is part of the Sales and Catering Configuration Menu area. The Sales and Catering Configuration Menu commands allow you to utilize your Sales and Catering Module to its fullest potential and manage your functions or events in a concise, cohesive manner.

If your Property does not currently have our Sales and Catering Module and you are interested in adding it, please contact us at

The Sales and Catering Configuration Menu area is part of the Property and System Configuration area of Skyware Systems. You may edit the configuration to suit your Property at any time if you have the appropriate access/authorization.



Date Updated February 22, 2024